Around and around and around and around and dizzzzzzy… Okay, the universe can stop spinning now.
Goatspreading is a very real problem on today’s public transit systems.
Gotta Get Away Gotta Get Away!
I think this guy is going to feed me to his eagle! I gotta get free! This is a nightmare!
Practicing The Smile
If they write a song about me, will I get my face put up everywhere, too?
Whatever this thing is, it is not food and I refuse to eat it. And I’m a goat, so that should tell you something!
A Taste Of Home
This snow is making me homesick.
The Morning After
Nuurrrrgh. Turn off the light…
3… 2… 1…
Happy New Year!
The Party Crew
DJ Moun10LyN on the decks, throwing down the beats, and Party Marmot on the lasers. (Anubis, unseen, is running the fog machine.)
Exclusive Party
Guffaloat is at the door, keeping out the riffraff.